Monday, September 29, 2008



I feel like eventhough Chloë's only 11 weeks, and still only weighs 9 lbs..she's growing up so fast!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

chloë's new favorite thing

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

a great smile

Alison and Matt gave Chloë the cutest dino outfit--she loved it so much she was beaming!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

no more shots, mommy!

today we went for Chloë's second round of shots. I think I was more nervous than she was..she actually did not even flinch during the first one, not even a whimper..the second one made her cry for a few seconds but even before I picked her up to nurse her she had stopped crying. She was so relaxed she nursed for almost 40 minutes and then fell asleep. She woke up an hour later and nursed for another 30 minutes. And she has gained some more weight (what with all this eating..) and is now two ounces short of 9 lbs.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

an unconventional baby shower

most babies don't come to their own baby showers...however from the very beginning Chloë has stood out in a class of her own..and as such she insisted she be present at her own baby shower.  I think she was scared I wouldn't share the presents..who knows.  In the end, we all had a great time, so thank you ALL who came and helped us welcome Chloë!

Monday, September 15, 2008

first shot is the deepest

today Chloë got her first shots--her screams were so loud, I didn't know it was possible for someone so small to be that loud. the tears leaped out of her eyes, and she was so sad and red from crying. as soon as they finished, I picked her up and nursed her and it calmed her right down. she was as happy as a clam grasping my boob! she was also pretty excited about her band-aids she even smiled at the doctor twice!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

pooped on

today after a nice day out, and everything going very well--including a shorter than usual 'fussy time'--chloë exploded while nursing--there was poop everywhere. we had to interrupt her dinner time to give her a second bath to clean her up properly. our pizza arrived just as we were washing her off..great timing.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Sunday, September 7, 2008

the infamous smile

after many attempts, this is the best picture of chloë smile! she does better, I'm the one that failed with the camera--I think I get too excited with making her smile and operating the camera at the same time!

Friday, September 5, 2008

bath time fun

after a nice warm bath, this is how happy chloë is

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

daddy's first smile

on friday, the first thing I did when Josh got home was tell him of the wonderful highlight of my day--chloë's first smile! We tried all weekend to get her to smile for daddy, and after pretty much giving up, on Monday night she smiled for him. As he said, he hadn't done anything funny, but she broke into a smile when he picked her up after we had changed her and were getting her ready for bed. Her smile made our night!