Monday, June 13, 2011


The look in their faces as they gaze at each other. This is life. Love it.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

e. e. cummings said it best...

"the most wasted of all days is one without laughter."

These are all pictures from different days...but in every one of them, there he is, all smiles and a laughter so real it bursts! This kid just smiles and laughs all. the. time. A friend asked me how come he is always laughing, and actually suggested he may be laughing *at* me. To which I answer...could be. In fact, very likely.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Please be patient while I tweak a few things on the blog, to make it look prettier, and update some things!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

the little things

Today I took my favorite girl to see "Barney & Friends". She was insanely excited, and it rubbed off. We got dippin' dots, and cotton candy, and some souvenirs. She conned me into getting her a magical light-up wand, and a toy 'for Lucas'. I use the 'for Lucas' in quotes because that was simple a line. It turns out *she* always knew that that second souvenir, Baby Bop, was all for her. I forgave her because she won me over. She won me over when at intermission she looked up at me as we walked to the bathroom and said "Mommy, thank you for a fun day with Barkey." When I told her the show wasn't over, that there was, in fact, MORE Barney, the eyes lit up and she nearly tripped trying to run back to her seat!

And this is the excitement at seeing Barney back on stage: