Monday, February 23, 2009

i love poop

yes, I know, this post title is disgusting, but I cannot emphasize how much I love the fact that Chloё pooped for the first time in over 4 months ALL ON HER OWN.** It is definitely brag-worthy, and exciting, so much so, I almost took a picture, but something told me that would be crossing the line. Josh already can't get over the fact that I mention Chloё's poop problem to everyone and anyone who'll listen, I think if there was a picture he might never let me live it down. Never mind the fact that in years to come, if said picture surfaced, poor Chloё would be mortified. Seriously, before baby entered our life, I really could not imagine how much excitement could come from baby poop. I'm sure other parents feel the same way I do, especially in those first few precious weeks. For me, the poop monitoring (and excitement!) has continued for much longer than I ever thought possible. Either way, I am VERY excited by today's development. So much so that I am proud to say: I love poop.

** loooong story, but despite not being able to do it on her own, she did poop regularly prior to this monumental event.