Wednesday, February 25, 2009

so sad

we've discovered something really quite sad. while Chloë adores Kyra, and enjoys watching her, and loves to pet her, and gets the biggest kick of when Kyra licks her hands--she laughs like there's no tomorrow--Kyra is not such a big fan of Chloë. You wouldn't notice it if you didn't live with us. Kyra is really a very sweet, affectionate dog. A good dog. However, once Chloë goes to bed for the night, Kyra becomes an even BETTER dog, she's so much happier, and sociable, and loving. Actually comes to you to be petted. When Chloë wakes up, she tries to sleep in corners where we don't see her, and when we do notice her, she escapes through the dog door and sleeps outsides. Once in a while, a few times a day, she humors us and lets Chloë play with her, but only because we beg her. We're hoping once Chloë is a few months older, and starts dropping food on the floor, Kyra will see the light.