Sunday, August 30, 2009

back from the dead (not quite, but still....)

so now it's been 9 days since our household has been sick. Josh was late to the party and only got sick 3 days ago. By sick I mean, we all have the flu, Chloë has a persistent double ear infection, a cut on her cheek (not sick related, but it adds to the misery) and while Chloë and Josh seem to be on the mend (barely), I've had a temperature now for 7 days. You would think it could not possible get any worse. Right? I mean, what more do we need? We can barely function and I'm surprised Chloë is still living with us and hasn't decided to move out because we are just so out of it. I half expect that any day now she's going to grab the diaper bag (which she loves to do anyway) and skip her way on out. But no. She's still here, and as of last night I now have conjunctivitis. It is beyond gross and it only adds additional steps to our normal every day things to do that already feel like herculean tasks in our condition.

This is a sneak preview of our day:

-7am wake up as Chloë whimpers because her ears hurt and she's also hungry.
-Cannot go nurse her immediately because I have to change my clothes in case I stuck my finger in my dirty, germ infested eye, and then slathered it all over my clothes.
-Douse myself in purel.
-Nurse Chloë--may or may not get the chills.
-Josh comes to help with breakfast in case one of us collapses. Whoever has the lowest temperature gets the baby.
-BLUR for the next few hours as one, or both of us attempt to entertain Chloë until her nap time. Again, depends on how sick we both are.
-NAP TIME. A happy time...we all sleep.
-Lunch time...Chloë wake up, nurses, same routine as above is repeated to ensure no nasty conjunctivitis germs will get to her.
-On to her lunch...she barely eats, because you know, she's sick too, I almost forget.
-NAP TIME. Same as above.
-Chloë wakes up, countdown to bedtime begins so we can all curl up in bed again.

So, yes, I'm still very much surprised Chloë is sticking around with us. We did sanitize the entire house a few times, so with any luck we should be feeling better soon. For now, I'm going to crawl back into my rock.


Davi said...

oh my, i feel for you! Hope you all get better soon!