Sunday, August 9, 2009

our beach vacation (that almost wasn't) part I

staying true to form, Chloë almost managed to derail our vacation plans (again!) replaying scenes similar to those prior to our Christmas vacation. This time on Friday before our Wednesday night departure Chloë was diagnosed with an ear infection (yes, the same exact scenario as before...) but Dr. S. was confident she'd recover by Wednesday.

Keeping my fingers crossed, I went about my business over the weekend packing, planning, preparing, and getting all the STUFF we needed to bring with us together. There is an obsene mount of STUFF. I can't even begin to get into it, but if anyone is curious, I can send you my multiple packing lists which include: Diaper bag packing list, Carry-on packing list, and suitcase packing list.

Come Tuesday afternoon, Chloë got the green light to get on a plane for 5 hours, despite my increasing panic over how she'd behave. Our appointment with Dr. S. was at 4:45pm. We got home at 5:30pm and I was feeling good about getting a good night's sleep and departing the following the day. By 6:20pm Chloë started making some weird burping sounds, and as I sat her on her highchair for dinner, she spared nothing within a few feet and proceeded to projectile vomit EVERYWHERE. That lasted until about 10pm, when on an empty stomach, we put her to bed and I checked on her every half hour. The doctor on call said there was a stomach bug going around, that it would likely last 10-12 hours, and we should be fine to still make our flight. She had an uneasy night and barely slept, waking up every hour or so. She finally managed to nurse a little at 3am,and again at 5am. She woke up at 8:30am, and while she didn't seem sick anymore, she wasn't as hungry as usual, and wasn't her normal self. We called Dr. S. who said that if she managed to keep her breakfast and lunch in her tummy she was good to go.

We spent a nice leisurely day, playing and packing, and by 5pm we left for the airport. Chloë was a trooper and only got annoyed once we had boarded and she was starting to get overly tired and sleepy. She kept us busy for the first 2 1/2 hours of the flight, but surprisingly she passed out after whimpering for a while, and slept for the other 2 1/2 hours. She was happy as a clam once we landed, and even played with everyone once we arrived in LA. We got to the house at 11:30pm and by midnight I had nursed her and she was back asleep. All in all, not bad night, one would think.

Fast forward to 2:30am, less than two hours after I managed to fall asleep, and I woke up and was greeted by Chloë's stomach bug, you know, the one we thought we'd left back home. Suffice to say, it was not a fun night. My saving grace was knowing that within 10-12 hours, I'd be fine.

And thus began our vacation.

** More to come later...while we've been back for several days, things have been hectic, and hence the lack of blogging. I promise once life gets back to normal, I'll be offering more regular updates!