Sunday, May 9, 2010


Last year, Mother's Day was so huge for me, it marked such a miracle, I was overwhelmed with emotions days before the actual day. This year, life has been so hectic, it took me until the day was almost over to realize that this Mother's Day, I have received another miracle. I was always told that the chances of me conceiving naturally were pretty much nonexistent, and after Chloë was born, I knew that despite that, I could still be a mother. We had just started contemplating adding another baby to the mix when before we even had a chance to figure out what the next step was in trying for another miracle--the miracle descended upon us.

It was March 1st when I took my third or fourth home pregnancy test since having had Chloë. See, since we thought we couldn't conceive naturally, there was never any reason to use any kind of birth control. Every once in a while, I would take a test if there was a big event, say a wedding, or a huge night out planned, where old school college days type drinking might be in order. March 1st was such a day. Josh and I were due to leave for Miami for our first vacation without Chloë, and we had plans to have a wild week. When that test turned positive, I was dumbfounded. I always took the test thinking, knowing, it was just a precaution, that it would be negative, and March 1st was no different. I actually left the test sitting on the bathroom counter for a couple of hours before I remembered about it. When I picked it up, and saw it, I rushed to the bedroom where I could sit down, and I hyperventilated. I could barely breathe. I cried in disbelief, with total joy, a unique kind of joy, because I still couldn't, wouldn't, let myself believe that this could be real. I went to the doctor that same day, and there it was. A baby.

This Mother's Day I celebrated my first miracle, my Chloë bear, my pumpkin. I also celebrated this baby in my belly which came to us when we least expected it. On top of it all, I was celebrated by my amazing husband and daughter who let me sleep in, made me breakfast, took me out for lunch, and showered me with gifts. Motherhood: today I have no complaints.


Davi said...

What a gift! I'm so happy for you!

AnnaBanana said...

Wow! Congrats Cris, I didn't know! When is your due date? I'm so excited for you!

J u l i a 。.゜✿ said...

ohh big congratulations !
which one do you prefer ?
baby sister or baby brother for lil chloe ?
cant wait to read more about your 2nd pregnancy.
wishing you all the happiness in the world. take care ! =D