Monday, August 25, 2008

a girls day out

today Chloë and I went to Sweet Life in Old Town Fairfax to meet Jess and Reagan, and Caitlin and Allison for lunch.  Chloë ended up wearing the very pretty pink and brown polka dot dress Daddy had picked out several months ago and she was supposed to wear on her way home from the hospital..except it was way too big for a little 4 lbs baby.  Now that she's almost 8 lbs, it almost fit perfectly!  

We had a great time sitting outside and enjoying our lunch while the babies slept, looked around, and ate.  Chloë decided to give me a hard time and didn't eat very well while we were out, but to make up for it, she did sleep like an angel before and after she ate.  Our car ride there and back was pretty uneventful, except on the way back she decided to cry until I gave in and sang to her the whole way back.  That seemed to soothe her and by the time we got home she was sound asleep in her car seat. Sometimes I wonder if I should place her car seat inside her crib so she'll sleep as peacefully in her crib as she does when she's in there...