Saturday, August 2, 2008

pooped on

this morning's 10am feeding routine was going pretty well for most part. Chloë breastfed well, and finished her 2 oz bottle afterwards with little fuss. I held her against my chest for a while--her new favorite past time after eating--before getting her changed and dressed.

I handed her to Josh so I could pick out her outfit while he tried to get some more burps out of her and I grabbed her and plopped her onto the changing table when I was ready to primp her.

I cleaned her tiny poop and was applying her butt paste when I noticed milk spewing out of her tiny nose. I FREAKED and immediately picked her up--naked and all--and held her upright in my arms. Josh suggested I should wrap her in something but I was just concerned with the milk coming out of her nose so I just held her little naked body while Josh stared at me..just as I asked him if he was scared she was going to poop and pee all over the carpet I felt something down my legs and land on my foot. I looked down and it was poop. I didn't know what to do so I continued to hold her and then she started to pee...all over my legs and the carpet..

I was amused..not sure about Josh who had to clean the carpet.

PS. the poop and pee came out of the carpet after some heavy duty scrubbing.