Sunday, November 30, 2008

lessons learned

We spent Thanksgiving in Buffalo, NY--we left on Thursday morning, and while the whole ordeal of traveling with baby takes time and is a bit of a pain in the bum, Chloë did surprisingly well during the travel portion of our trip--better than I expected anyway. It was all of the rest of the time that was tough. Traveling and meeting all of Josh's family meant Chloë's schedule was completely thrown for a loop and while it was wonderful to see everyone, poor Chloë was sooo tired, and got cranky a few times. I paid the price for all the chaos during the night when she refused to sleep as peacefully as she does back home. I probably got less than 4 hours of sleep every night that we were away. are some things I learned about flying with baby:

  • nursing during take-off and landing REALLY is a must! Chloë didn't even notice we were doing anything out of the ordinary..
  • even with two sets of hands, only one carry-on--the baby is a carry-on herself, making any additional bags just way too burdensome
  • the whole take your shoes off would work better if you weren't prohibited from passing the baby back and forth between two people
  • I did not need the 4 blankets, two different baby carriers, and get this...MAGAZINES for me to read!! Why, and how, I ever thought I would get some time to read is beyond me..
I'm sure there are other lessons learned lurking in the back of my mind somewhere..but for now this is it.