Wednesday, March 11, 2009

the return of the shopaholic

when I was pregnant I was very good about resisting my urge to splurge. I didn't buy the $200+ Seven maternity jeans, or the $150 Japanese Weekend maternity dresses, and eventhough I was tempted, I did not succumb to all the gorgeous maternity clothes at Apple Seed Boutique and the million and one pregnancy books at Barnes and Noble (I swear I only bought about 5 books!)

I really did curb much of my shopping addiction in the spirit of 'saving for the baby'..I knew that much like purchasing our first home, having our first child would definitely result in some big bills.

So, really, I was good.

But it's all over now. I can't help it, baby clothes are so cute, so small, so ASKING TO BE BOUGHT. It's like they are testing me. Same with accessories, and toys, and anything baby related. At first I behaved..but slowly, I'm losing it.

In the last week alone I have bought: five pairs of leggings, 3 adorable bows for Chloƫ's gorgeous curls, a couple of unique pacifier clips, and is seriously playing with my emotions with too many things for me to list here.

I'm starting to think this might become a problem.

PS. I almost forgot. Today I bought two board books.