Wednesday, June 24, 2009

we're survivors!

so today marks day three of Chloë's daycare adventures. and we've far.

Monday was much, much harder for mommy than baby, but the truth is Chloë refused the sleep the entire time she was at daycare on that very first day. When I went to pick her up her eyes were so bloodshot, and red, and she was so tired, and sleepy, she fell asleep immediately after I nursed her for almost 3 hours--and after waking up, was still sleepy through dinnertime, and again fell asleep pretty quickly at bedtime. During this whole sleepyness, my little pumpkin managed to sneak in 3 nursing sessions between 3-7pm--a record for her. On Tuesday despite sleeping for one whole hour (!!) in the morning at daycare, she still fell asleep pretty quickly at home, and again, nursed like she'd never see me (or my breasts!) again. Today was a better day ...she wasn't as tired, despite still not sleeping like she does at home (30 mins in the am, and 1 hr 45 mins in the pm...versus our nearly 2 hr naps at home) and it was also my first day dropping her off. So...despite the lack of sleep, she's been eating like a champ, and also has not cried at drop off! Mommy on the other hand...can't vouch for the no crying here.