Monday, September 14, 2009

the tubes are in!

These magical little tubes that have turned my little pumpkin into an even happier little pumpkin are in, in all their glory. The glory that makes Chloë smile more, giggle more, and walk even faster. Granted...all these things may have coincidentally happened the afternoon after she got her tubes in, and may have nothing to do with the magical tubes...but, regardless, they happened, and we are all SO pleased.

The procedure went really well, and truth be told, it was a lot better than I had imagined. Leading up to it I was nervous, and planning for the worst, but the best happened. I woke Chloë up at 2:30am for some milk, she drank lots and went back to sleep at around 3am until we woke her up at 6:30am. She was a little cranky at having to get changed and not get to nurse, but quickly forgot about it as we got in the carsear, and drove away. She was yawning, but otherwise seemed ok. She was enthralled by the fishtank in the waiting room, and then enjoyed playing in the pediatric playroom before it was time to go with Dr. G. When her time came, my heart got tight, and I held my tears back as I gave her a hug and a kiss, and daddy took her to the OR. They led me to a private waiting room, and I went to the bathroom. When I came back, Josh was waiting for me and said she fell asleep with the anesthesia before he finished singing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, and that she did well. We had a granola bar each, and as I barely started reading an article on People when Dr. G. came in and said they were done. He recalled the procedure, told us it was great, and went well. There was a lot of 'stuff' behind her ear drums, and that she'll be hearing a lot better now, and that she's basically going to wake up to no earache which will probably feel fantastic.

Once he finished giving us all these good news, the nurse came in and said she was waking up in the recovery room. We walked in and she was a little groggy, but as soon as she got into my arms, she was ready for some milk. It's as if she knew that now she COULD nurse, and I couldn't say no. We sat there as she nursed, and looked around a bit, and 10 minutes later they sent us on our way.

At home, she was a little dizzy and unsteady but wanted to play a little. After about a half hour she was very sleepy, and so she took a hugely long nap that spanned from morning to the afternoon, and once she woke up she ate her lunch and was much, much happier than I've seen her in a while. We took her for some ice cream, and played for the rest of the afternoon. By night time, she went to bed easily and I imagine, very, very happy to not have her ears bothering her for the first time in a long time.

Thank you, Dr. S. and Dr. G., and thank you Magical Tubes!