Friday, September 11, 2009

why breastmilk is really the bomb

So, after suffering from ear infection after ear infection since December, Chloë will be getting tubes put in on Monday morning. What's breastmilk got to do with it? Well, obviously this whole nursing thing did not help with the ear infections, unless without all the milky goodness she might have had way more ear infections, which I don't even think it's possible because she's basically had one a month, and the last round has lasted a full 5 weeks. Anyway, I digress. What's milk got to do with it? (and not any milk...BREAST milk, because dairy wouldn't have worked...) Well, Chloë has to fast for 12 hours prior to surgery (Monday at 8:15am), so that would mean that from 7pm on Sunday until late morning on Monday, she'd go without any food, and would likely wake up on Monday PISSED on her way to the hospital. BUT it turns out breast milk is sooo special that she can have some 4 hours before surgery. So, the plan will be to dream feed Chloë at around 2:30-3am, let her get lots of milk in her tummy, so when we wake her up at 6:30am to head over to the hospital, she'll forget that for the last 14 months the FIRST thing she does when she wakes up for the day is nurse. Fingers crossed, and wish us luck.