Thursday, January 15, 2009

brazil=bad sleeping habits?

It seems that since we've returned from Brazil Chloë decided she will no longer follow any kind of good sleeping habits..she was having some small issues before, waking up a few more times than usual a little hungrier, but nothing I couldn't handle. But last night I was just so exhausted, I actually thought--meh..let's start ferberizing the kid right now, 3am, bring it on! For those of you not familiar with Dr. Ferber, do google the'll either love him or hate him. I hate that I don't love him..

Chloë's night:
Bed at 7:45pm
Wakes up crying, shrieking, screaming at 12:58am
After trying to console her in every other way other than nursing, I finally give in and offer her the boob--she happily eats and falls asleep at 1:45am
More crying, more of a whimpering cry at 3:08am
Wait it out until 3:15am when it becomes a definite shriek like cry
Nurse her and she falls asleep at 4:15am at which point I go to bed thinking, ohhh goodie, she'll sleep in now.
6am, she's up again. I nurse her, she falls back asleep at 6:30am.
By 7:20am when she wakes up again, I decide we're now up for the day...