Friday, January 16, 2009

sleeping is for sissies

Once upon a time, Chloë had a beautiful schedule...she would wake up at around 5-5:30am to eat, and then go right back to sleep, and her day would start at around 8-8:30am. She would have some regular naps, in the morning, and two in the afternoon, and come 7pm we would happily get her ready for bed. Not so much anymore. She wakes up countless times in the night, and as a result, her schedule is no more. Her naps are all over the place, she's cranky, and screams when she gets tired enough. She barely makes it to her bedtime, and even when we get her ready for bed earlier, she's still a mess during the night. I'm hoping this is a phase..the so called 4 month sleep regression? I know she's 6 and half months, but if you consider she was 6 weeks early, it would make sense for this to be the 4 month sleep regression, right? Here's to hoping it'll get better...