Friday, January 9, 2009

time flies

Today Chloë is 6 months old...I can't believe it's been half a year. I'm constantly amazed at how she changes..and today I am reminded of the little babe that she was back in July 2008 when she decided to make her debut 6 weeks earlier. From a tiny little 4 lbs bundle of joy, she's become what I like to lovingly refer to as a fattie--she's got big fluffy cheeks, and rolls on her legs and arms. She's got a beautiful double chin, and I'm always happy when my arm gets tired from holding her. It just means she is getting bigger and bigger every day. While my memories of her stay at the NICU are still here, the pain and sadness it caused me is entirely enveloped by all the happiness she's brought us since then. I guess you could say I'm slightly emotional today...

Chloë moments after birth
Chloë on Christmas eve


Davi said...

Congrats on being a momma for half a year! I can't believe it's been six months already! Chloe looks beautiful and healthy!