Sunday, July 5, 2009

fourth of july

after a long morning nap on her very first fourth of July, we took Chloë to the firefighter's competition in old town Fairfax. She was very impressed and fascinated by it all, but did throw a tantrum when we took her to try and get a free child identification. she's not a fan of anyone wiping her mouth or touching her fingers (cutting her nails is a production!) so she was obviously not a huge fan of the whole fingerprinting part of the process. the firefighter gave up after her third finger and much screaming, and told us to come back next year.

after lunch we watched the tug of war firefighter-style while Chloë made friends with a labrador who unlike our Kyra did not attempt to run away everytime she tried to pet her. Chloë was so excited, and shrieked every time she touched Coco!

At the end of the afternoon she also enjoyed watching the action from the very top of daddy's shoulders!

The one thing she did miss were the fireworks. She was fast asleep, and despite a neighborhood dog barking nonstop from 8-10pm, she did not wake up with either the barks or the fireworks explosion nearby.