Sunday, July 26, 2009

a walkin' talkin'

Chloë really did wait to turn one to start doing all the things big girls should do. She learned how to clap a few days short of her first birthday, started waving and saying bye-bye, and in the last couple of weeks has also started calling for mama and papa, oh! and let's not forget--she has already thrown a few tantrums here and there. But Saturday evening (July 25th--I made a mental note!) she really outdid herself. She took several steps, SEVERAL!! ALL ON HER OWN! She took 3 steps, paused, looked around, LAUGHED (at the comical sight that is a tiny, teeny little babe trying to walk, no doubt) and then took another 3 steps before collapsing into my arms and squealing. I think she realized that she had just done something BIG, which is why clapping followed the squealing.

Now, I wouldn't say these first real steps mean she's now a walking machine, she's still learning, it's hard work (but she's persistent!) so we'll see how long until she's more comfortable with the whole thing. There's been two or three repeat performances already, but 'm hoping, REALLY hoping, that she doesn't get itchy feet for real until AFTER we get back from our California beach vacation. Something tells me that 6 hours on a plane with a 1 year old that is learning how to walk may not equal fun times.