Tuesday, April 14, 2009

9 months well check

Today Chloë had her 9 month well check appointment. All in all, she's doing incredibly well, except for a minor cold. Here's what happened at the appointment:

--She got her Hep. B shot! AND didn't even cry (ok, she was attached to my breast, nursing away..but still, deserves props!)
--She had some blood taken--again, DIDN'T cry (ok, again, still nursing...)
--She had a urine test--I won't even get into details how that is done on babies..let me just say, there was a bit of a leak and pee was everywhere in the exam room, as well as the doctor's leg.
--She smiled, and talked, and charmed all the nurses and Dr. S.
--She is now 15 lbs. and 27 inches, with a pretty large head measuring 17.5 inches. She is 3rd percentile weight wise, 25th percentile height wise, and get this, 75th percentile head wise--yup, look at the BIG BRAIN on Chloë!

And here are the milestones we've ticked off our to do list:

--can sit up unassisted
--can stand up while holding on to furniture
--can roll over tummy to back, back to tummy
--can 'talk' and has a large repertoire of sounds
--can pass toys back and forth from her hands

The list goes on, but these are the highlights!

Next on our list--finger foods!