Thursday, April 2, 2009

the world according to mom

Her Bad Mother has dared us mom bloggers everywhere to go where no moms (usually) dare to go...she has dared us to truthfully, and candidly strip the veil on motherhood and discuss the things we love and, perhaps not so much love, about being a mother.

So, here I go--the top 5 reasons why I love being a mother:

5) knowing that the love of my life and I made her--the other love of my life--together; knowing that she is essentially the result of our love for each other, and so even before she came out into this world, she was filled with just the best love ever. EVER;

4) sharing in her excitement and joy for every tiny, little new thing she sees and discovers, whether it's the little piece of lint on the carpet, or her reflection in the mirror, and her photograph on my cell phone;

3) loving someone more than I could have ever imagined;

2) the absolute thrill she gets from seeing me after a few hours--it's like Christmas times ten--no, times infinity!--the way she just shrieks and smiles and stretches her little arms out for me to hold her;

1) and topping the list is absolutely, without a doubt, nursing her. I just love, love, LOVE, nursing my little babe, anytime, anywhere, even when she chomps on my nipples, and pulls and pinches my breasts, I love that I'm providing her with food from ME. I love that we just sit there, so close, so tight, and she just looks into my eyes and drinks, and sometimes smiles out of the corner of her tiny little perfect mouth. I LOVE HER--and I love being her mother.