Monday, October 27, 2008

back to feeding frenzy

After 3 months, and a nicely established schedule, we decided to try more exclusive breastfeeding (without the need for supplementing) and realized Chloë might be very lazy!  I understand nursing is tiresome (or so I've heard) and it takes more work for our prima donna, but really, she should help me out some..instead of eating every 3-4 hours as in the days when she would nurse and then get a top off from the bottle, on Monday and today so far, she has decided she is more on a 2-3 hour schedule.  Doesn't sound like too much change, but trust's exhausting.  I feel like I've gone back to her newborn days when she ate 8 times a day.  We'll see how long this lasts..we have a doctor's appointment in about a week, and depending on her weight gain, there'll be more changes to Chloë's schedule.

Chloë looking very full and content