Thursday, October 16, 2008

milk explosion

so in trying to respect Chloë's sleep, when I fed her this morning at 5:30am, I tried to disrupt her as little as possible.  She woke up crying and hungry, so I quickly changed her diaper which was heavy with pee, and we got settled to nurse.  She happily latched on and proceeded to make her little happy sighs noise as she ate.  10 minutes into it though, she must have been gulping way too quickly, and milk started to spurt out of her noise--a LOT!  I woke Josh up to help me clean her up, and as we nasal aspirated the milk out of her nose, milk jumped out of her mouth.  By this time, she was well awake, and we had to change her PJs, and clean her up before she could go back to eating.  Suffice to say, she was not pleased.  She finished her early breakfast, and went back to sleep at 6:20am.  But just to show me how unpleased she was with having been thoroughly disturbed earlier, she made sure to wake up again at 7:30am to ensure I couldn't sleep anymore.  I'm sure of it.  Our morning did get better as we went to the doctor for a weight check, and she's doing well, and weighing in over 10 lbs!