Sunday, October 12, 2008

out of whack

after our day out in georgetown, Chloë's schedule got a little out of whack.  She didn't nap the whole day, so after we got home, she finally started napping at 6:30pm.  I soon realized she wasn't actually napping, but was in fact in a deep, deep sleep.  She ate at 3:30pm, so I gently woke her up at 10pm to eat.  She was half asleep, but she ate and immediately fell back asleep.  Usually she eats frequently during the day and has her bedtime feeding at around this was a change from her schedule which seriously disrupted her.  During the night she woke up at 2am, 4:30am, 6am, and after eating again at 8am, she finally started to get back on her normal schedule.  By 8:30pm she was fast asleep, and hopefully back on her schedule so that I can sleep until at last 5am tomorrow..