Monday, October 20, 2008

Saturday--Our first real night out

After enjoying parenthood for a little over 3 months with nights out a thing of the past, we got ready on Saturday to get our drink on and have a grand old time at Ryan and Jenna's wedding.  After having had a little over 3 hours of sleep I had to start getting ready for the big day.  The ceremony was beautiful, and before the reception we had a couple of hours to kill, so we brought Chloë to meet everyone.  She was all bundled up because Cape May, NJ in October is FREEZING but she was in good spirits.  I had not packed proper winter attire for her, but we made do and she was very cozy and warm.  Everyone ohh-ed and ahh-ed at her and as soon as we dropped her back off with Elery, we went back to the reception.  

I had to make a short stop at the concierge desk and drop off my breast pump so I could pump later in the night.  They weren't as weirded out by my request to leave my breast pump with them as I thought..I told them I'd come to get it at one point.  It was going to be a 'pump and dump' job as I planned on having a few drinks, but I didn't want to get uncomfortable hence the need for the pump.

We had a fantastic night dancing, drinking and seeing everyone! I went back to the room by 1am, and Josh stumbled in sometime around 4am.