Saturday, October 11, 2008

our day out in georgetown

today Chloë got to hang out with her grandparents who came to visit for the day, and we all decided to go out for lunch. My dad wanted to go to Cafe Milano in Georgetown, and after packing enough diapers, some change of clothes, and getting ourselves ready, we were on our way.

everything was going so well, Chloë was in a good mood, smiling and charming everyone, the food was wonderful, and she even let me finish my food before she got hungry herself. I nursed her, and then let dad burp her. While he was holding her he said.."Hmm I think she's pooped." I was happy to hear it since she hadn't gone in two days..I sniffed around her and it did in fact seem as if she had finally pooped. As I picked her up to take her to the bathroom I realized my job was not going to be so easy..

Chloë pooped so much it had seeped from the sides and back of her diaper onto her clothes, onto Josh's shirt. Not a pretty sight in a restaurant. I managed to wrap her in a burp cloth, took her to the bathroom and got her changed WITHOUT a changing table. Her onesie had to be removed awkwardly to ensure no poop got on her, and after using up ALL of the wipes I had in my bag, she was clean, and very very happy.

Figures she would wait till we got to a nice restaurant to let it all out...

All in all it was a great day though!