Saturday, May 16, 2009

lights out

Yesterday at 2:45pm our power went out. Chloë usually naps at around 3pm, and on top of needing the trusty sound machine to fall asleep and stay asleep, she also gets very hot all the time, so without the AC, she did not manage to fall asleep. She was sweaty, and sticky, and aware of any little noise in the house--the dog walking up the stairs, the lawn mower outside, my breathing!, everything--so my mom and I decided to go out until the power came back. We went for ice cream, and walked around. We came back home at around 5:30pm, and unfortunately Chloë had to eat dinner and get ready for bed with NO LIGHT, NO AC! We managed to put a radio in her room with the static which helped her fall asleep, and she slept in a onesie and we hoped she wouldn't get too hot. When the power came back at 10pm my mom and I almost jumped for joy. My joy also had a lot to do with the 500 oz of breast milk stored in the deep freezer which thankfully stayed frozen. I think I would have cried for days if all of that had gone to waste.