Wednesday, May 27, 2009

seriously? SERIOUSLY?

so this past Saturday I threw out 27.5 oz of tainted-with-gadolinium** pumped breastmilk. Or perfectly fine, drinkable breastmilk. YES--PERFECTLY FINE BREASTMILK! So perfectly fine, Chloë could have nursed and received all that milkie goodness straight from the source, fresh! Unfortunately, I only discovered this today. I pumped and dumped; I deprived my pumpkin of nursing; I turned my back (in this case my front) on Chloë so she wouldn't get tainted by gadolinium. Except she wouldn't have! According to the wonderful people at the Breastfeeding Center in Washington, DC, I could have continued breastfeeding without a worry in the world. And according to this too. And to the American College of Radiology.

I will no longer listen to the alleged MRI specialists who obviously know nothing about lactating women. I will not listen to any of the doctors who tried to give me advice (who shall remain nameless because despite it all, I still love them!) and instead I will only listen to lactation specialists when it comes to breastfeeding queries. Because they are probably the only ones who TRULY understand how hard it was for me to watch my little pumpkin desperately trying to nurse through my shirt.

PS. On an unrelated note, remember how we have the baby who won't (until recently anyway) poop on her own? Yeah, well, the baby who won't poop pooped in the bathtub. Yeah, that baby. Not as gross as you think, but still pretty gross.

** gadolinium is the contrast agent used in a lot of MRIs.


spcjax said...

We have learned, too, that there are a lot of experts who aren't experts at everything. You were doing the best you could to protect your babe. Don't beat yourself up!
On a side note, our kid has had poop problems too ... not a treat. Weird to get excited when poops happen! ;)