Friday, May 15, 2009

a long time coming

so after months and months (and months and months...) of everyone and their mother (strangers, too!) making comments about how Chloë's teeth were coming, and oh my, look how she's teething, and oh, I bet her gums are really itchy! and NOTHING--it looks like my little pumpkin's first two teeth are finally making their way to the top, getting ready to pop out in a few days (maybe a week or so.)

We noticed it yesterday, the little faint, white-transparent whisperings of teeth wanting to emerge, and two little swollen bumps on her bottom gum, and it all made sense. Chloë has been a little crankier than usual lately, and we just assumed she was readjusting her nap schedule or something. But no, after months and months, it looks like we may see some teeth soon. I was beginning to think she'd be this funny looking teenager all gums and no teeth, but now I'm fairly confident she'll have something to smile about.

a toothless smile...but for how long?