Tuesday, June 3, 2008

bed rest?

So, after making it through 29 weeks of pregnancy we were tripped up by what to many, at first, could seem like a pretty cool deal: bed rest. The doctor said my cervix length is a little short, and so in an attempt to try and prevent preterm labour, he suggested I 'take it easy' which doesn't sound that bad.

Trust me...if you have idyllic notions of wonderful lazy days--full of freedom--bed rest may not be for you. But, at first thought..I mused...hmm..bed rest..not a bad gig.

That was my Tuesday morning..early daydreams of bed rest. I went to work after the doctor's apointment, picked up enough work to keep me busy for the next 10 days when I'm due back at the doctor's to determine exactly how long this 'vacation' will last..and made my way home after picking Josh up at work. He asked if I could drive the way home, and I was more than eager..figuring this might be the last time in several days.