Monday, June 23, 2008


so it's been almost a week since we were told the baby might definitely make her debut early and here are the things we really should have done but have not yet got around to...(I think mainly because despite *her* being ready to come out..we're not quite ready..since in our heads we had it that she was only coming mid August..end of summer..)

still to do:
  • install car seat and have Fairfax Fire Department inspect it
  • buy a diaper bag
  • attend childbirth preparation class (no longer an option since I'm a prisoner in my own home...)
  • wash all her clothes before she can wear any of it
  • buy health and hygiene items for baby...includes diaper rash ointment, baby tylenol, baby mylicon, diapers, diaper wipes...the list is endless
  • determine what items are still needed from baby registry (have now come to the conclusion that no normal person would want to buy us the gift of a breastpump..they just wouldn't want to be remembered for that--and they would--forever!)
  • ....
the last item I didn't even want to type it out...but it includes packing the hospital bag!'s not included as a list item--it's not real.