Sunday, June 22, 2008

the real joys of bed rest

sunday morning was mostly devoted to getting more things ready in the nursery...we finally made the daunting decision about the dots--we kept them! there were also pictures and shelving to be hung, and I must say..not being able to help, I was quietly enjoying sitting on the glider telling Josh how to best position everything as he did all the heavy duty work. Perhaps that's why it was more amusing to me than him when there were a few hiccups along the way (all minor and readily solved!).

once I made my way downstairs for the day at 4pm, I was ecstatic to sort through the mail and realized that the cookies my sister sent me last week are actually part of a cookie of the month club--so now I don't feel like I need to 'save' the cookies because I know there are more coming next month..and the month after...and then some!


Unknown said...

the nursery looks absolutely beautiful!!!!
i loved the blog!