Tuesday, June 24, 2008

fairfax finest: virginia really is for lovers

I'm in awe..and in love with the Fairfax Fire Department. I called them this morning to try to set an appointment for Josh to go have our car seat (which he has not yet installed) inspected..after some discussion we realized Josh can't make it during their hours.

Given that I'm at home ALL day with no one to talk to, my propensity to talk to strangers has increased...so I told the nice fireman on the phone that I was on bed rest and didn't know how we were going to accomplish everything we needed before imminent baby's arrival.

he paused for a moment...and then he said "I'll tell you what..I feel bad for you..." and at the point I knew I'd hit the jackpot! Tomorrow a Fairfax fireman is making a house call to inspect my (soon to be installed once Josh gets home from work) car seat.

the amount of relief this has given me is probably unrelated to the fact that I feel useless in being to accomplish anything these days-right?